3 reasons to keep a male
Most of growers throw away a male when identify him ; it can be understandable from novice grower who wants to take no risk with his flower production, and also from uninformed lovers of our plant. But in facts, a male can be a great ally all along your growing experience. Let's try to see below how.
First, a selected male will allow you perpetuate your favorite genetic with pollination, or to sublimate any genetic making a cross; just make a cut of your male and keep it in your growth room. The day you want to pollinate, insert your male 10 days after your female(s) in your flowering room to get a relevant pollination window : perfect day to receive pollen is between day 24 and day 28 for a female (according its Indica / Sativa ratio) and perfect day to give pollen is between 16 and 24 days for a male ( according same condition). You can be more precise with a simple calculation. Then don't buy seeds everytime and enjoy your own strain production you'll certainly be proud.
A male can also help you increasing your yields... yes, it's true ! Just need to understand something before: a female produces buds, pollen, fragrances and terps to be pollinated, by wind or bees or other. When she becomes "old" and feels she will never be pollinated, she starts to lose from its superb and starts to stop producing; it's harvest time. If you insert a young male in your room, 10/12 days before traditional harvest time, females will smell it and go on producing pollen and bud density to get a last chance to be fertilized. A lil' trick i learned from a genius grower years ago and pleased to share with you now.
Finally, a male can help to to get a very high female ratio when popping your regular cannabis seeds: we've got to know plants have a collective intelligence whom only goal is to perpetuate strain; for that they ALL want to become females but life needs males. A great strong genetic will produce 80% females in perfect conditions (22° and 60% humidity) cause they know they 're strong enough to brave all conditions and only few males are necessary; if feeling presence of a male, they won't hesitate and become female. Already got 12/12 females of Lemon Bubblegum with Bubba Kush male beside.
Feminized seeds seem to be an easy solution for an easy grow, but always remember way of easiness never leads to good things...over and above being the most vigorous cannabis you can find, regular seeds offer you so much possibilities and secure the future of all strains
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